
Best match for a Pisces man (5 compatible zodiac signs)

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Pisces men are dreamy, sensitive, and in touch with their emotions. They can be closed-off and hard to understand at times, but they are also deep and compassionate once you get to know them.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, which means Pisces men tend to have old souls. They are wise beyond their years and often deeply understand the human experience.

The best match for a Pisces man is someone who understands and appreciates his emotional and spiritual nature but also grounds him and keeps his head out of the clouds. Pisces also tends to be over-trusting, so loyalty and trustworthiness are essential qualities in a partner.

The Pisces zodiac sign

  • Pisces is a water sign, which gives Pisces men their gentle and compassionate nature. They are also very generous and selfless, always putting the needs of others before their own.
  • Pisces is a mutable sign, which means Pisces men are adaptable and able to go with the flow. They are also very creative and often use their imagination to escape reality (sometimes a little too much for their own good.)
  • The planet Neptune rules over Pisces, which is why Pisces men often have a strong connection to the spiritual world. Neptune is also associated with music, art, and healing.

Personality traits of a Pisces man

Pisces men make loyal and devoted partners. They are romantic and sensitive and will always go out of their way to make their partner feel loved and cherished. However, they can sometimes be a little insecure and need plenty of reassurance from their partner that their feelings are returned.

Pisces’ generous and compassionate nature is one of their most endearing qualities. Pisces men are always quick to help others in need and will go above and beyond to ensure everyone is happy.

Pisces men also tend to be very creative and open-minded. They have a highly active imagination, and many Pisces choose to express their creativity through music, art, or writing.

Their love of escapism means that Pisces men can also be a little bit lazy, scattered, and disorganized at times. They can have trouble finishing what they start and spend more time daydreaming than actually following through on their plans.

The generous and compassionate nature of Pisces also means they can more easily be taken advantage of by others. Pisces men need to be careful not to let their kindness be taken for weakness and learn to stand up for themselves when necessary.

However, Pisces can also be very distant and moody, along with their capacity for love and forgiveness. They tend to withdraw into themselves when hurt or upset and can be very closed off and difficult to understand at times.

Pisces positive traits

  • Creative: Pisces men are highly creative and have very active imaginations.
  • Generous: Pisces men are generous with love, affection, time, and attention.
  • Compassionate: Empathy and compassion are defining traits of Pisces. They deeply feel the pain and suffering of others and are always quick to offer a helping hand.
  • Loving: Pisces love to be in love and are very romantic and sensitive. They will always go out of their way to make their friends and family feel cherished.
  • Open-minded: Being a mutable sign, Pisces men are adaptable and open to new experiences. They are non-judgmental and respect the beliefs and opinions of others.

Pisces negative traits

  • Moody: Pisces is a highly emotional sign, and Pisces men can be very moody and unpredictable. They can be happy one minute and crying the next, often for no apparent reason.
  • Lazy: Because they are such dreamers, Pisces men can sometimes be a little lazy and disorganized. They often have trouble finishing what they start and may give up easily if things get tough.
  • Over-sensitive: Pisces men often don’t respond well to negative feedback and criticism. They can take things very personally and may become hurt or offended easily.

What does a Pisces man look for in a partner?

A Pisces man needs a partner who will embrace his romantic and sensitive personality. He’s looking for a deep and meaningful relationship built on shared commitment and trust. If you have a fiercely independent spirit and hate to be tied down, then a Pisces man is unlikely to be the right match for you.

Unfortunately, Pisces also has a habit of trusting the wrong people, which can lead to heartbreak. A Pisces man needs to be with someone loyal and trustworthy and who won’t take advantage of his need to be vulnerable.

A Pisces man is also driven by his sense of compassion and generosity. He needs to feel like he’s making a difference in the world and will go out of his way to help others in need. If his partner is overly materialistic or egotistical, it’s unlikely to work out in the long run.

Because he is a dreamer at heart, a Pisces man might suffer from procrastination, laziness, and lack of motivation. He needs someone who can be his rock and help him follow through on his plans and goals. Without this stability, he can quickly become lost and adrift.

The perfect partner for a Pisces man also needs to be able to handle his moodiness and volatility. Pisces men can be very emotional, and their moods can change rapidly and without warning. If you’re the type of person who prefers stability and routine, then a Pisces man is probably not the right match for you.

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The 5 best matches for a Pisces man

1. Cancer woman and Pisces man

Cancer and Pisces make a fantastic match because they share many of the same qualities. Both signs are highly romantic and sensitive, and they will go out of their way to make each other feel loved and cherished. They are also deeply compassionate and empathetic, which helps them to understand and support each other through thick and thin.

Zodiac signs that value independence will find Cancer and Pisces clingy, needy, and overly dependent. But this is hardly a problem for two signs that are so in tune with each other’s emotions. In fact, it’s one of the things that makes their relationship so special.

Cancer and Pisces are both water signs, and this is what gives them their shared emotional depth and intensity. They can understand each other on a deep level and will quickly become each other’s confidantes.

The main problem with this relationship is that a Cancer man and a Pisces woman can both be quite moody and volatile. They are highly emotional signs, and a bad mood can quickly escalate into a full-blown argument.

While a Pisces man has a very compassionate and forgiving personality, Cancer tends to be more vindictive and resentful. It will be up to Pisces to defuse arguments and help Cancer to see a different (and less paranoid) perspective.

Related post: Capricorn man and Cancer woman compatibility (sex & love)

2. Virgo woman and Pisces man

A Virgo woman and a Pisces man work well because they share a balance of similar traits and complementary differences. On the one hand, they are both faithful, kind, and compassionate, which means they will be able to understand and nurture each other.

But whereas Virgo is logical and practical, Pisces is the complete opposite and can be quite dreamy and impractical. A Pisces man needs someone to help him stay grounded and focused, and a Virgo woman is more than happy to take on this role.

Virgos can also be perfectionists and hold themselves and others to a ridiculously high standard. However, Pisces is a very forgiving sign and can help Virgo to see the best in people, even when they make mistakes. A Virgo woman will also have the compassion to forgive her Pisces man when he turns his judgmental eye onto her.

Like Pisces and Cancer, both signs suffer from moodiness and can be volatile. But Pisces’ volatility is usually short-lived, and he’s quick to forgive and forget. Virgo, on the other hand, can hold a grudge for much longer.

Related post: Scorpio man and Virgo woman compatibility (sex & love)

3. Scorpio woman and Pisces man

Like many other signs that pair well with Scorpio, the attraction between a Scorpio woman and a Pisces man is based on an intense and passionate physical and emotional connection.

Pisces and Scorpio are both water signs, which explains the depth of their feelings for each other. They can understand each other very deeply, and their connection borders on the psychic.

In the bedroom, the famous Scorpio passion can be a little much Pisces to handle because he prefers a more gentle and relaxed approach to sex. But Scorpio’s intensity will eventually win him over, and he’ll love how their sexual chemistry deepens their emotional connection.

Scorpio has a powerful and protective personality, whereas Pisces is more gentle and easygoing. But rather than clashing, a Pisces man will appreciate that his Scorpio woman makes him feel wanted and needed.

However, a Scorpio woman can also be jealous and possessive, and she will need to accept that her Pisces man spreads his love and compassion around quite freely.

4. Capricorn woman and Pisces man

Capricorn is an Earth sign, and Pisces is a water sign, but these two elements are complementary and balance each other. A Capricorn woman is practical and goal-oriented, whereas a Pisces man is more dreamy, easy-going, and sometimes lazy.

A Capricorn woman helps to bring out the best in a Pisces man by encouraging him to be more ambitious and goal-oriented. Without this support, Pisces might easily drift aimlessly from one project or job to the next and never really accomplish anything important.

In return, Pisces will help Capricorn to relax and learn to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Capricorn’s determination and self-belief can make her seem overly serious, and a Pisces man will help to soften her edges and show her the importance of having some fun.

5. Taurus woman and Pisces man

Pisces and Taurus are both relaxed and easy-going signs, which means they will have no trouble enjoying each other’s company.

A Taurus woman is patient, reliable, and down-to-earth, whereas a Pisces man is more dreamy, spiritual, and compassionate. But instead of butting heads, they help to balance each other out. Taurus helps Pisces be more practical and realistic, while Pisces helps Taurus become more compassionate and spiritual.

A Taurus woman will often take the lead over a Pisces man, but he’s more than happy to let her do so. In fact, he actually enjoys following her lead because it allows him to escape the pressure of making decisions and being in charge.

In the bedroom, these two signs are a perfect match. Taurus is passionate and sensual, but she also likes things to move at a slower pace. Pisces is happy to oblige, and he’ll enjoy exploring her body for hours at a time.

Related post: Best match for a Taurus woman (5 compatible zodiac signs)

The worst matches for a Pisces female

1. Leo woman and Pisces man

Pisces and Leo are likely to butt heads more often than they get along. A Leo woman is outgoing, confident, and loves to be the center of attention, while a Pisces man is more introverted, compassionate, and sensitive.

A Leo woman will quickly grow tired of a Pisces man’s need for constant reassurance and emotional support. She prefers a strong, self-sufficient partner and has a hard time understanding why her Pisces man is always so needy.

Pisces also has a deeply empathetic and compassionate nature, and this will clash with Leo’s focus on her own needs. Leo is also likely to be too bossy and domineering for Pisces, who prefers a more gentle and easygoing partner.

2. Gemini woman and Pisces man

Some signs are very different and work well because they balance each other. However, in the case of a Gemini woman and a Pisces man, their differences will lead to more conflicts than harmony.

A Gemini woman is curious, chatty, and loves to socialize. But even though she is very intelligent, she can sometimes come across as superficial and childish. In contrast, a Pisces man is more introspective and craves deep and meaningful connections.

3. Aquarius woman and Pisces man

On the surface, it might seem like an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man would make a good match. After all, they both have unique personalities and an interesting way of looking at the world. However, Aquarius and Pisces have a mismatch in needs and values that will likely lead to conflict and tension.

Aquarius is an independent thinker who values her freedom above all else. She’s not looking for a traditional relationship and often puts her career or friends before her partner. On the other hand, Pisces is looking for a soulmate with whom he can share a deep connection. He wants to find true love and build a life with his partner.

Famous Pisces men

  • Oscar Isaac
  • Justin Bieber
  • John Boyega
  • Elliot Page
  • Adam Levine
  • Miles Teller
  • Bruce Willis


What is the perfect match for a Pisces man?

The best zodiac love matches for a Pisces man are Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Taurus. Pisces men are attracted to compassionate, caring, and nurturing women who want to build deep and meaningful relationships.

What are the best traits of a Pisces man?

A Pisces man is typically compassionate, generous, and forgiving. He is deeply empathetic to the needs of others and has a strong sense of intuition. Pisces men are also usually creative and have vivid imaginations.

How do you make a Pisces man fall in love with you?

To make a Pisces man fall for you, it’s important to be genuine, compassionate, and understanding. Pisces men are attracted to women who can offer them emotional support and a deep connection.

Best match for a Virgo man (5 compatible zodiac signs)

Best match for a Gemini man (5 compatible zodiac signs)