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Cancer is a water sign, which means Cancer women are highly in tune with their emotions. They are known for their nurturing, compassionate nature and ability to make people feel comfortable and safe.
The best match for a Cancer woman is someone honest, loyal, and who values family and commitment. She needs a partner who can provide her with emotional security and weather the storm of her rapidly changing moods.
The Cancer zodiac sign
- Cancer is a water sign, which means Cancer women look for emotional stability and harmony in their relationships. They are compassionate, loyal, and protective of their loved ones.
- Cancer is ruled by the Moon, meaning Cancer women strongly connect to their changing emotions. They’re in tune with their feelings and wear their hearts on their sleeves.
- Cancer is a Cardinal sign representing new change, initiative, and new beginnings.
Personality traits of a Cancer woman
The Moon rules over cancer, and a Cancer woman’s moods can rise and fall like the changing tides.
She is highly nurturing and strongly desires to care for the people she loves and make them feel safe and protected. It’s not surprising that Cancer women make excellent mothers, and their children will always feel loved and supported.
However, don’t mistake her soft and compassionate nature for weakness. If anyone gets on the wrong side of a Cancer woman, they will quickly learn that she has sharp claws and can be fiercely protective.
A Cancer woman craves comfort and security and prefers to spend a night at home cuddling on the couch rather than going out clubbing. That doesn’t mean she’s not fun-loving; she just enjoys being at home and in the company of her close friends and family.
How a Cancer woman can read other people’s emotions feels like a superpower to those who don’t understand it. She intuitively knows when someone is in pain and will do whatever she can to make them feel better. Friends and family often come to her for advice because they know she understands them.
And when people are in trouble, or things go wrong, a Cancer woman keeps a cool head and knows what to say or how to fix the problem. People are drawn to her calm authority in a crisis and are always comforted by her presence.
The downside of being so emotional is that Cancer women can suffer from extreme mood swings. She can be happy and carefree one minute and plunged into a dark and brooding mood the next. Friends and family often don’t know what side of her they’ll get, and it can cause them to walk around her on eggshells.
But the good news is she’s well aware of her changing moods and will generally remove herself from social situations before she can take it out on the people she loves.
A Cancer woman also tends to become a little paranoid when she’s feeling down. She might think her friends are talking about her behind her back or her partner is cheating on her. She also has trouble accepting negative feedback and can be very sensitive to criticism.
The ability to read people also makes her very good at manipulating people to get what she wants. And if you wrong her, she can become vindictive and intuitively know what to say that will hurt you the most.
Some people find it surprising that Cancer women tend to be very funny. Her humor tends to be dark and sarcastic, but she always delivers it with a smile. When she’s in a good mood, she can be the life of the party and has a sharp wit that everyone enjoys.
Positive Cancer traits
- Emotional: The powerful emotions of Cancer can be both good and bad. Cancer women are incredibly protective and nurturing, but they can quickly become angry and hurt if they feel threatened.
- Intuitive: The ability of Cancer women to read people is almost psychic. They can sometimes tell what a person thinks or feels before they know it.
- Protective: Cancer women are the most loyal and protective friends and partners you will ever have. They will do anything to keep their loved ones safe from harm.
- Funny: Cancer women have a great sense of humor, even if it is sometimes dark and sarcastic. They can also be charming and charismatic when they are in a good mood.
Negative Cancer traits
- Moody: Cancer women are ruled by their powerful moods. They can go from happy to angry to sad in the blink of an eye, which can be confusing and frustrating for those around them.
- Self-pitying: When things don’t go Cancer’s way, they can tend to feel sorry for themselves. This can sometimes make them seem weak or needy.
- Vengeful: If you hurt a Cancer woman or someone she loves, she won’t forget it in a hurry. She may even try to get revenge if she feels she has been wronged.
What does a Cancer woman look for in a partner?
A long-term relationship with a Cancer woman won’t work for everyone due to her highly emotional nature. The wrong person will constantly feel like they are walking on eggshells and won’t understand her changing moods.
The best match for a Cancer woman is someone in touch with their emotions who isn’t afraid to be vulnerable. She has a strong urge to nurture and protect her partner, and it will be hard to form a deep connection if you’re emotionally closed off or super independent.
Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule, and some signs (like Virgo) can bring balance to Cancer’s emotional nature by providing a sense of calm and stability.
A Cancer woman’s partner needs patience and understanding to deal with her negative moods. She needs comfort and reassurance when she starts a self-pity party or falls into a cycle of negative thinking. However, her perfect match also needs to know when enough is enough and call her out when she’s being unreasonable.
A Cancer woman is not a party animal and would rather stay home with a good book or movie. Her ideal partner is someone who shares her love of all things domestic and wants to help her build a happy home life. But she’s not an introvert and loves socializing with her close friends and family.
Above all else, Cancer values loyalty and commitment. She expects her partner to be there for her and support her in all aspects of her life. The prospect of being cheated on or emotionally betrayed is one of the worst things a Cancer woman can imagine. She has a laser-like intuition when something is off in her relationship and will quickly become suspicious if she thinks her partner is being unfaithful.
If you hurt or betray a Cancer woman, she will not forget it lightly. If you cheat on her, she will never forgive you, and make sure you pay for your mistake. She can be extremely vengeful if she feels she has been wronged.
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The 5 best matches for a Cancer woman
1. Taurus man and Cancer woman
Taurus and Cancer work amazingly well because they both value loyalty, commitment, and family life. Cancer is nurturing and loving, and Taurus is dependable and stable with a strong sense of personal values.
These two signs will make each other feel warm, safe, and loved and quickly form a strong emotional bond. They are the type of couple who can enjoy hours of comfortable silence and never feel the need to fill the void with meaningless small talk.
While Cancer is intuitive and naturally great at reading people, Taurus is more analytical and will talk and listen carefully to understand someone fully. Even though these are very different approaches, the result is the same, and a Taurus woman and a Cancer man will be highly in sync with each other’s emotions.
A Taurus man enjoys all the good things in life – like food, wine, and material comforts. A Cancer woman will be more than happy to help him create a comfortable home life, and she’ll take great pleasure in cooking him his favorite meals. Taurus men also love to be surrounded by beauty, so a Cancer woman’s natural aesthetic sense will appeal to him.
Taurus men are also notoriously hard workers, and this couple is more likely to have a traditional relationship where the man is the breadwinner, and the woman stays at home. However, this is not always the case, as both Taurus and Cancer support each other’s career aspirations.
The main issue for this couple is that Taurus’s easy-going and stable nature can conflict with Cancer’s moods. However, a Taurus man is very patient and understanding and will help his partner through her negative periods.
2. Scorpio man and Cancer woman
A Scorpio man and a Cancer woman make a fascinating and wonderful match. Both are emotional water signs, but they express themselves in entirely different ways.
Scorpio is passionate and intense, whereas Cancer is deeply emotional and nurturing. Combining these traits might feel like a recipe for disaster, but Cancer and Scorpio make great partners because they understand and accept each other’s differences.
They share a deep and passionate connection and fundamentally understand each other’s flaws and strengths. They are not afraid to be completely raw and vulnerable and let each know exactly how they feel. Don’t be surprised to find Scorpio and Cancer finishing each other’s sentences and acting like they are telepathically linked.
Scorpio has a much more controlling personality than Cancer, but she is happy for him to take the lead in many areas of the relationship. However, Cancer is far from a walkover and will not hesitate to put her foot down if she feels she is being disrespected or taken for granted.
Even though both signs are very emotional, Scorpio is a lot more aggressive and extreme with his emotions. This can sometimes be too much for the more gentle Cancer, but she will be able to deal with his mood swings as long as he is always honest with her.
Scorpio also values privacy and can be very secretive, which can flame Cancer’s paranoia if she thinks he is keeping things from her. However, because they understand each other so well, this is rarely a problem, and Scorpio will quickly alleviate any of her fears.
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3. Pisces man and Cancer woman
Pisces and Cancer are a classic zodiac pairing, and for a good reason – these two water signs have a natural affinity for each other. A Pisces man and a Cancer woman will naturally get along from the moment they first meet and can form a passionate and loving bond that lasts a lifetime.
Pisces is the romantic of the zodiac, and he will sweep his Cancer woman off her feet with flowers, candlelit dinners, and heartfelt declarations of love.
Cancer is a very nurturing sign, and she will instinctively take care of her Pisces man and make him feel loved in return. She is also very intuitive and will be able to respond to his emotional needs. Pisces men can be very withdrawn and private, but he will feel comfortable opening up to her and expressing his vulnerability.
Even when things are not going well between them, Cancer and Pisces will always trust each other and be able to work through their problems together.
There is a risk for Cancer and Pisces that they become too dependent on each other. Virgo is very trusting and can become a little needy, given a chance. Cancer is protective and nurturing, and she might not encourage him to stand on his own two feet as much as he needs to.
Related post: Best match for a Pisces man (5 compatible zodiac signs)
4. Virgo man and Cancer woman
Virgo and Cancer are not the most intense match in the zodiac, but they share a healthy mix of similarities and differences that make them a great couple.
Both signs are loyal, faithful, and looking for a committed relationship, which draws them together in the first place. They also have a shared love of home and family and will want to create a stable and happy life together. These two signs share a shared love of the finer things in life – like good food – another bond.
Virgo is very patient and kind, which works well with Cancer’s nurturing and compassionate nature. They will always be there for each other and support each other through thick and thin.
However, they are very different in one significant respect. Cancer is highly emotional and wears her heart on her sleeve. But in stark contrast, Virgo is logical, practical, and not very comfortable with displays of emotion.
This contrast can cause some tension, but in most cases, it brings a beautiful balance to the relationship. Cancer can help Virgo lighten up and not take life too seriously, while Virgo can help Cancer be more rational and level-headed when feeling overwhelmed by her emotions.
Virgo also likes to talk through problems and put his cards on the table, while Cancer withdraws and goes quiet when she’s hurt. These two must be careful to keep the lines of communication open, or problems can quickly escalate.
Related post: Best match for a Virgo man (5 compatible zodiac signs)
5. Capricorn man and Cancer woman
From the outside, a relationship between a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman shouldn’t work – but these two signs can balance each other out very well.
When they first meet, it will likely take them a little longer to build trust and find a way to communicate effectively. But once they do, they will create a solid and lasting bond based on respect and understanding.
Both signs are very loyal and interested in a commitment, and they will work hard to make their relationship work. They are both quite traditional in their views on family and relationships and will naturally fall into roles that help and support each other.
Capricorn is very ambitious and career-oriented, and (like Taurus and Cancer) they might find themselves adopting quite a traditional view of gender roles in their relationship.
However, a Capricorn man and Cancer women have very different personalities. Cancer is emotional and sensitive, whereas Capricorn is conventional, traditional, and very serious. Capricorn men are often not good at expressing emotion, and his Cancer partner can help him get in touch with his feelings. And in return, Capricorn can help Cancer separate logic from emotion and calm down when she is feeling overwhelmed.
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The worst matches for a Cancer woman
1. Leo man and Cancer woman
Leo and Cancer are two signs that might struggle to make their relationship work. Leo is loud, confident, and very focused on himself. Cancer is attracted to his charisma and generosity, but she will struggle with his constant need for attention. And in return, Leo finds Cancer’s moodiness and need for security to be a bit too much.
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2. Sagittarius man and Cancer woman
Sagittarius and Cancer often feel a strong initial attraction because they are both nurturing and family-oriented. However, they differ in meaningful ways, and their relationship might struggle to last.
Sagittarius is a freedom-loving sign that craves travel, adventure, and new experiences. Cancer is more interested in security, stability, and staying close to home. Sagittarius will find Cancer’s clinginess and need for emotional security to be restrictive, and Cancer will find Sagittarius’s independence and unwillingness to settle down hurtful and frustrating.
3. Aquarius man and Cancer woman
Aquarius is one of the zodiac’s most independent signs, and he will find Cancer’s need for emotional safety and security to be stifling. Cancer is attracted to Aquarius’s intelligence and humanitarianism, but she will think he’s cold and detached.
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Famous Cancer women
- Ariana Grande
- Selena Gomez
- Margot Robbie
- Missy Elliott
- Olivia Munn
- Aubrey Plaza