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If you’re wondering what all the different aura colors mean and how to see your own aura, then look no further!
What are auras?
The origin of auras goes all the way back to the eastern traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism.
Auras are fields of spiritual energy that surround people and all other living things. People who believe they can read auras see them as colors representing different emotions, moods, and personality traits.
A person’s aura is generally made up of more than one color, representing multiple aspects of their personality – but one color is often dominant.
Aura readers also say that even if you can’t see someone’s aura, you can often feel it by thinking about the vibe that someone gives off. For example, if you feel a strong connection to someone in a particular way, you might be feeling their auric field.
What do the different aura colors mean?
The color of your aura corresponds to the body’s seven energy centers, known as chakras.
These chakras are the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown.

Red aura

A red aura represents passion, energy, and a strong will. If you have a lot of red in your aura, it means you’ve got a fiery, outspoken personality.
Red relates to the root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine and represents your sense of stability and foundation.
Positive traits
You’re a passionate, fearless, and loyal person who’s in touch with yourself and the world around you.
Negative traits
You’re quick to anger and have trouble adapting to change. Your passion and bias for action can also make you less willing to compromise.
Love & relationships for red auras
You’re (unsurprisingly) a very passionate and loyal lover. However, this also means your relationships can be very tumultuous.
Orange aura

An orange aura is dominated by creativity, emotion, and sensuality. A strong orange aura means you’re a good communicator and good at reading other people.
Orange relates to the sacral chakra, located in the abdomen and connected to pleasure and abundance.
Positive traits
You’re confident, charismatic, and a natural leader. Your creativity lets you think through problems quickly, and your ability to communicate well with others is a huge asset.
Negative traits
You’re very passionate about your creative pursuits, which means you run the risk of suffering from emotional fatigue or burnout. You also tend to be impatient and rush into things without considering the consequences.
Love & relationships for orange auras
You’re both sensual and charismatic. This makes you an excellent partner, but your impatience means you have a tendency to want things their own way.
Yellow aura

If you have a yellow aura, it means you’re outgoing, happy, and confident. People with yellow auras are also very charming and charismatic like orange auras.
Yellow relates to the solar plexus chakra, which is located in the solar plexus and is connected to the sense of confidence and control you have in your life.
Positive traits
You’re happy, outgoing, and often highly charismatic. You have a beautiful personality, and you’re likely to have a lot of friends.
Negative traits
To be honest, there isn’t a lot of negativity associated with a yellow aura. You tend to dominate conversations or “own the room,” but this mostly comes down to your magnetic personality.
Love & relationships for yellow auras
Your generosity and giving nature means you’re very likely to enjoy loving, happy, and successful relationships.
Pink aura

A pink aura means that you’re a romantic at heart. You care about other people profoundly, and you can read their emotions and respond with compassion and empathy.
Pink is related to the heart chakra, located in the center of your chest at the same level as your heart.
Positive traits
You’re compassionate, loving, and kind. You also tend to be very sensitive and take on other people’s emotional pain burdens.
Negative traits
You have a sensitive nature which means you can be overly emotional. Not everyone is comfortable with the level of vulnerability and openness you project onto the world around you.
Love & relationships for pink auras
You feel love deeply, and you give yourself entirely to your relationships. On the flip side, this also means you feel breakups much more profoundly.
Green aura

Like pink, a green aura shows that you’re loving and compassionate. You also see the positive side of any situation and favor peace over conflict.
Green is also related to the heart chakra.
Positive traits
In addition to your positive and compassionate vibes, you’re also a stable and responsible person. Many people describe you as being well-balanced.
Negative traits
On the downside, you sometimes suffer from jealousy. This comes from the fact that you love deeply and often feel overprotective of the people you love.
Love & relationships for green auras
You generally have loving and successful relationships. However, you need to make sure you control your feelings of jealousy and envy.
Blue aura

A blue aura shows that you’re intellectually minded and cerebral. You’re also good at communicating, and you want to pass on your knowledge and wisdom to others.
Blue is related to the throat chakra, which is located in the throat and is connected to truth and communication.
Positive traits
You’re sincere and trustworthy. This stems from the fact that you value knowledge and truth above all things. You also tend to be calm and rational and think through your decisions carefully.
Negative traits
You’re very focused on the intellectual side of life, which can sometimes make you seem aloof or distracted. You also tend to be shy and reserved around people you don’t know.
Love & relationships for blue auras
You place a high value on knowledge and truth, making you very open and honest in your relationships. You’re calm and rational when things get tough, and you won’t run away at the first sign of trouble.
Purple aura

A purple aura is associated with powerful intuition and higher consciousness. People with a purple aura can deeply understand the emotional state of others and tend to have an empathetic nature.
Purple is related to the third-eye chakra, which explains why it’s so closely linked with insight and intuition.
Positive traits
You’re fully dialed into the emotional state of those around you. You’re sensitive to the joy and suffering of others and will make personal sacrifices to make other people happy.
Negative traits
Sometimes it feels like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. As wonderful as it is to connect so strongly with others, it can bring you down and make you seem introverted or moody.
Love & relationships for purple auras
You crave a deep, spiritual and soulful relationship. Because you take on the worry of others, it’s essential to make sure you don’t give yourself entirely to the relationship and lose your sense of identity.
White aura

The white aura is the rarest aura to see, and it denotes a calm, deeply loving, and well-balanced personality. White is made up of all the other colors in the spectrum, so this makes sense.
White is related to the crown chakra, which is connected to spirituality and located at the head’s very top.
Positive traits
You’re pure, generous, wise, and honest. You see the good in everything and resist negativity entering your life.
Negative traits
You can have trouble accepting that not everyone is as generous and inherently good as you. This can leave you open to being exploited or taken advantage of if you’re not careful.
Love & relationships for white auras
You put your partner’s needs before your own and would do anything to support them. However, your partner needs to understand that they’ll never fully have you to themselves because you’re so dedicated to helping others.
How can I see my aura color?
Professional aura readers often use special camera equipment and software to detect auras. They take your photo and see the different colored auras revealed in the photograph.
However, believers also say it’s possible to see auras by squinting your eyes in a particular way and using your peripheral vision. Try looking to the side of your visual field for 30 or 40 seconds and then quickly look away and see if you detect any colors.
Becoming calm and focused like you’re meditating is another way to try and catch a glimpse of your aura.
If you want to try these techniques yourself, all you need to do is stand in front of a mirror in a well-lit room and experiment.
What does an aura look like?
Many aura readers agree that auras look like a ring or light bubble surrounding the body.
Many people have multiple colors in their aura, and the location of different colors on the aura has a specific meaning.
Colors on the left-hand side of the body represent the energy you’re absorbing from the universe, and colors on the right show the energy you’re transmitting.
Similarly, colors that appear near the head show the emotional state you’re showing to the world, and colors lower down on the body represent your hidden emotions.
Can I see someone else’s aura?
It is possible to see someone else’s aura. Still, it’s generally believed to be much more challenging than seeing your own aura in a mirror.
The reason for this is simply that seeing an aura takes time and patience. When you’re searching for your own aura, you can relax, focus and stare at yourself for as long as you need.
If the person has a powerful aura, some say you can also see their aura in a photograph. Stare and squint at the photo and use your peripheral vision to try and spot a halo of color around them.
Can the color of my aura change?
Yes, it can. The different aura colors are connected to different moods, emotions, and personality traits.
Your own mood and emotions constantly change as you go through life, so it’s not surprising that the color of your aura changes to match.
The good news is that if you feel like you’re stuck with a negative aura, there are lots of things you can do to cleanse it by bringing positivity into your life.
What is aura cleansing?
Exposure to negative energy from toxic people or bad life situations can taint your aura. This might leave you feeling anxious, exhausted, and not like your usual self. These taints are said to appear as dirty or faded smudges on your aura.
Some believe it’s possible to cleanse your aura of this negative energy and restore it to its original vibrant color.
Techniques you can try to cleanse your aura include meditation, thinking positive thoughts, or taking a bath with Epsom salts.
Can you see aura colors in photos?
Professional aura readers use special cameras and software to photograph people’s aura. This software can record your body’s energy frequency and translate it into different colors.
However, there’s mixed opinion around whether you can see the aura of someone in a regular photograph. If someone has a powerful aura, I can’t see any reason why it’s different from detecting your own aura in a mirror.
Is it just people who have auras?
Anything alive gives off energy and, therefore, should have an aura.
What is the rarest aura color?
White is the rarest aura color, and it shows that you are pure of heart and have a calm, loving personality.
White auras are related to the crown chakra (located at the top of the head) and show a spiritual connection.
Can auras be more than one color?
Yes, your aura can be composed of multiple colors. Humans are complex creatures, and it’s unlikely all your physical, emotional, and spiritual self would be accurately represented by a single aura color.
Aura practitioners also suggest that how the different colors in your aura mix together show how complex you are as a person.
Should I get a professional aura reading?
There are no rules when it comes to defining your own sense of spirituality. If you feel like a professional aura reading will give you spiritual clarity, then go for it!
However, never substitute spiritual advice for professional health advice if you think you need it.