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Living with a husband who won’t communicate can make you feel lonely, isolated, and like he doesn’t care about you. The constant silence (or arguing) will eventually lead to resentment and leave you wondering whether it’s even worth staying in the relationship.
Good communication is important for married couples because it allows you to understand each other’s needs, wants, and feelings. It also helps to build trust, resolve conflict, and create a deeper connection.
Keep reading for practical tips on how to communicate with your husband when he won’t open up.
What to do when your husband won’t communicate

The good news is that you can do lots of things to encourage your husband to open up.
1. Pick the right time
Make sure you choose a time when your husband is relaxed and not rushed or stressed. If he’s just come home from work, he may need some time to unwind before he’s able to open up and talk about his day.
If you’re trying to have a difficult conversation about a problem in your marriage, it’s especially important to pick the right time. Choose a time when you’re both calm and can discuss the issue without getting emotional or argumentative. Also, make sure there are no distractions, such as the television or kids, and that you have enough time to talk things through. Hard conversations always take longer than you think they will.
2. Be patient with him
If your husband has been tight-lipped for years, it will take time and patience to get him to open up. Don’t expect him to start sharing his innermost thoughts and feelings overnight because he’s just not used to it.
It’s essential to be understanding and give him the time he needs to adjust to communicating more openly with you. He may need trial and error to figure out what works for him and how much he’s comfortable sharing.
Try not to get upset if he doesn’t want to talk about specific topics. Just let him know that you’re there for him when he’s ready to talk.
3. Focus the conversation on both of you
Make sure the conversation isn’t focused purely on him. If he feels like you’re talking at him or the conversation is one-sided, he will quickly shut down and tune you out.
Try asking him about his day or something going on in his life. If he starts to engage, ask him plenty of questions and let him talk for as long as he likes.
Ask for his opinion or advice on something – this will make him feel more involved and invested in the conversation.
Reminiscing about good times you’ve shared in the past is another great way to get him talking. It will help him feel more connected to you and remind him of all the reasons why he married you in the first place.
4. Be a good listener
When your husband does start communicating, actively listen to what he has to say. Show that you’re interested in hearing his thoughts and experiences by making eye contact, nodding, and responding with questions or comments.
Conversations are a two-way street, so avoid interrupting him or trying to take over the conversation. As soon as you try to dominate the conversation, he will clam up and tune you out.
Also, resist the urge to start planning your response while he’s talking, or you’ll miss out on crucial information. If you need a minute to process what he’s saying, let him know, and then take some time to gather your thoughts before responding.
5. Be aware of your own communication problems
Is the lack of communication in your marriage entirely your husband’s fault? Do you tend to nag or try to control the conversation? Do you really listen when he talks, or are you just waiting for your turn to speak?
Nobody’s perfect, and being aware of your own shortcomings can help you be more mindful in future conversations.
6. Find different ways to get him talking
If your husband is the strong, silent type, you might need to get a little creative to get him talking. Here are a few ideas:
- Ask for his advice or opinion on something you know he’s interested in.
- Pull out some old photos of the two of you and reminisce about the good times you’ve shared together.
- Watch a movie or read a book together and then discuss it afterward.
- Plan a date night where the two of you can spend some uninterrupted time together.
- Talk about your dreams and aspirations for the future. This can be a great way to bond and get him to open up about his own hopes and dreams.
- Make him feel needed and useful by asking for his help with something around the house or at work.
7. Accept your differences
Everyone has different needs when it comes to communication. It’s important to accept that your husband may never be the type of person who is comfortable communicating his feelings or sharing his thoughts.
And that’s okay! Just because he’s not the chatty type doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with him or your relationship. It’s normal for people to have different communication styles, and his love language might just be different from yours.
Also, don’t fall into the trap of comparing your relationship to others – every couple is different, and there’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. The key is to find a compromise that works for both of you. If your husband isn’t comfortable talking about his feelings, try to find other ways to connect with him on a deeper level.
8. Validate his feelings
When your husband does express his thoughts or feelings, make sure you give him plenty of validation. Whether he’s feeling frustrated, angry, or sad, let him know that you understand where he’s coming from.
You don’t have to agree with everything he says, but you should try to see things from his perspective. If you can empathize with his feelings, he’ll be more likely to open up to you in future conversations. The best way to do this is to repeat back what he’s said to you in your own words to let him know that you’re really listening and trying to understand his point of view.
9. Create a safe space for him to express himself
It’s essential to create a safe, judgment-free space for your husband to express himself. A safe place means being patient, listening without interruption, and respecting his opinions – even if you disagree with them.
It might also mean gently prodding him to share more by asking follow-up questions or sharing your thoughts and feelings on the subject. The goal is to get him to feel comfortable communicating with you about anything and everything – even the tough stuff.
How to have difficult conversations with your husband

It’s never easy to have a difficult conversation with your partner, but hopefully, these simple steps will make it a little easier.
1. Don’t make the conversation seem scary
“We need to talk” is not a good way to start a conversation with your husband if you want him to be receptive to what you have to say. These four little words can make even the most level-headed man feel anxious because he doesn’t know what to expect.
Instead, try leading with something positive, such as “I want to talk to you about something important to me.” You should also let him know that you’re not looking to argue or get into a fight – you just want to have an open and honest conversation.
2. Be prepared
Before launching into a challenging conversation, make sure you’re prepared. Take the time to process your feelings fully so you know exactly what you need to say.
If you’re unsure how to start the conversation, try writing down what you want to say beforehand. This can help you organize your thoughts and ensure you don’t forget anything important. You can even practice what you want to say aloud so it doesn’t sound rehearsed. If emotions start running high, you can always refer back to your notes to keep the conversation focused on the issue at hand.
3. Don’t make him feel interrogated
Nothing will make your husband clam up faster than feeling like he’s being interrogated. A great way to avoid this is not to ask him questions that can be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.”
Instead, try to have a back-and-forth conversation where you both share your thoughts and feelings. If he gives one-word answers, gently prod him for more information. For example, you can say something like, “It sounds like you’re not really sure how you feel about that. Can you tell me more?”
If you sense that the conversation is going nowhere or escalating into an argument, take a 20-min break. You can say something like, “I’m sorry, I know this is a tough conversation. Let’s take a break and come back to it later.” Hopefully, this will give him some time to process what’s being said and come back to the conversation with a fresh perspective.
4. Don’t use generalizations
Using generalizations is a sure way to make your partner feel like you’re attacking him. Words like “never,” “always,” and “constantly” are loaded with judgment and will make him feel defensive.
Instead, focus on specific incidents and how they made you feel. Rather than saying, “You never listen to me,” try something like, “I felt really hurt and ignored when you walked out of the room while I was talking to you.” This will help him see your perspective and understand how his actions affect you.
5. Use “I” statements rather than “you” statements
Instead of saying, “You’re always working, and I never see you,” try, “I feel like I’m really missing out on spending time with you.” This sounds much less like you’re attacking him and explains how you’re feeling in a more relatable way.
Imagine you’re upset because your husband didn’t call to check in while on a business trip. Instead of saying, “You didn’t call me, so you must not care about me,” try something like, “I know you were really busy, but I was hoping to hear from you.” This shows that you understand his side of the story but still clearly expresses how you feel.
6. Communicate your own needs
Your husband isn’t a mind reader, and you can’t expect him to always know what you need without telling him. If you feel like he’s not communicating enough, sit down with him and explain what you need to feel more connected.
Do you need more words of affirmation? Would you like more quality time together? More help around the house? Just remember to have patience, don’t make demands, and be willing to compromise. You might find that this conversation is all you need to get on the same page.
7. Don’t get angry
It’s easy to get angry when all you get is the silent treatment or one-word answers every time you try to start a conversation. Unfortunately, getting upset will only make your husband more defensive and less likely to communicate.
The best thing you can do is stay calm and collected, even if it feels impossible. As I’ve discussed, patience is critical in these situations. If you can remain relaxed, it will prevent your husband from associating every conversation with negativity and make him more likely to open up in the long term. If he refuses to engage with you, just walk away and try again later when he seems in a good mood.
8. Don’t bring up past mistakes
One of the worst things you can do is bring up your husband’s past mistakes every time you have an argument. He will feel attacked and be even less likely to open up about his thoughts and feelings.
Instead, try to focus your conversation on the present. If you’re upset about something he did, explain how it made you feel in the moment and why you need him to do things differently in the future. This will help him understand your perspective and make him more likely to change his behavior.
9. Be aware of your nonverbal communication
When you’re having a conversation with your husband, be aware of your nonverbal communication cues. Are you crossing your arms? Rolling your eyes? Scowling at him? Your negative facial expressions and body language can signal judgment or disapproval as much as your words can.
Practice adopting open body language, making eye contact, and keeping a pleasant expression on your face. It will help put your husband at ease and make him more likely to stay engaged in the conversation.
10. Focus on solutions
Do you have a lot of unresolved issues in your relationship? Your husband may have stopped communicating because he feels like your arguments just go round and round in circles.
Try to focus your conversations (and arguments) on finding a solution that works for both of you. If things start to veer off track, gently bring the conversation back to the issue at hand.
11. Give him space to process your conversations
As soon as you feel like a conversation is going well, it’s tempting to want to talk about everything at once. But if you bombard your partner with too much information, he’s likely to feel overwhelmed and shut down.
There’s also a much greater chance things will devolve into an argument if you jump from topic to topic without giving him time to process what you’re saying.
Instead, try to focus on one issue at a time to help him process the information and respond in a more thought-out way. It also shows that you’re willing to listen to his side of things and take things slowly. When you reach an agreement, thank him sincerely for talking to you and set aside time to talk again soon.
12. Consider professional help
If you’re having a hard time communicating with your husband, it might be worth considering professional help.
A relationship coach can provide an impartial perspective and help you identify and fix any poor communication practices. They can also teach you how to handle the intense emotions that often arise when talking about difficult issues.
Reasons your husband won’t communicate with you
There are several possible reasons why your husband might not be communicating with you. Here are some of the main reasons.
1. He’s a naturally reserved person
Some people naturally communicate more than others. If your husband isn’t the type to share his thoughts and feelings, it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s anything wrong. It could just be that he doesn’t feel the need to talk about his day-to-day experiences the same way you do.
2. He’s scared of the outcome of your conversation
If there’s a particular issue that you’re struggling to talk about, your husband may be avoiding the conversation because he’s scared of the outcome. He might be worried about what you’ll think or say if he opens up to you.
It’s essential to create a safe and non-judgmental environment where he feels like he can share his thoughts and feelings without fear of reprisal. He’ll be more likely to communicate with you about challenging topics when he feels safe.
3. He doesn’t like the way you talk to him
If your husband doesn’t feel like he can openly communicate with you, it might be because of how you speak to him. If you’re often judgmental, critical, or dismissive, he might feel like his opinions aren’t valued, making him less likely to want to share his thoughts and feelings with you.
4. You don’t get to the point
Is it possible your partner gets frustrated because you never seem to get to the point? If your conversations meander and never really go anywhere, he might feel like there’s no point in communicating with you. Try being a little more direct in your communication and see if that makes a difference.
5. You don’t let him speak
If you monopolize the conversation and don’t give your partner a chance to get a word in, he will feel like you don’t value his opinions. Make sure you let him finish speaking before adding your thoughts and ask questions to show you’re interested in hearing what he has to say.
6. You have a lecturing tone
Your tone of voice communicates a lot about your attitude. If you speak down to him or sound like you’re lecturing, he’s likely to tune out and stop listening to you. Try to keep your tone casual and respectful, and avoid sounding like you’re bossing him around.
7. He avoids conflict at all costs
A lack of communication might signify that your husband is suffering from conflict avoidance. If he’s the type of person who hates arguments or gets overwhelmed by emotions, he might shut down instead of engaging in a difficult conversation.
While it’s understandable that he doesn’t want to argue, this isn’t a healthy way to deal with conflict. Hopefully, the techniques in this article will help you both learn to communicate more effectively, even when things are tough.
8. You’re constantly nagging him
If you’re constantly nagging your husband or complaining about everything he does, it’s no wonder he doesn’t want to communicate with you. Nobody likes to be on the receiving end of constant criticism. Try to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship and give him some words of encouragement.
9. He’s selfish and inconsiderate
Is it possible that your husband doesn’t talk to you because he’s selfish and inconsiderate? If he’s always thinking about himself and never considers your needs, it’s no wonder you’re struggling to communicate.
10. He’s going through a difficult time
Some people naturally retreat into themselves when they’re going through personal issues. If your husband is dealing with stress, anxiety, or depression, he might find it hard to communicate with you.
It’s important to be understanding and patient during these times. Offer your support and let him know that you’re there for him. If he’s struggling to cope, encourage him to seek professional help.
What happens when couples don’t communicate?
When marital communication breaks down, it can have severe consequences for your relationship and mental health. Here are some of the things that can happen when you and your husband don’t communicate:
You feel lonely and isolated
Lack of communication in your marriage can leave you feeling lonely and isolated. Even when you live with someone, loneliness can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. If you’re feeling lonely, reach out to friends and family members for support.
You feel emotional distance & detachment
When good communication breaks down in a relationship, it’s often accompanied by a feeling of emotional detachment. You might even feel like you’re living in two separate worlds and your partner is a stranger. A strong emotional connection is crucial in any relationship, so if you’re feeling emotionally detached, it’s vital to try to reconnect with your partner.
You feel resentment
When your husband doesn’t communicate with you, it’s only natural to start feeling resentment. You feel like your relationship is one-sided, and he’s not putting in any effort. Resentment is a complex emotion made up of anger, disappointment, and frustration. If left unaddressed, it can fester and cause even more problems in your relationship.
Trust decreases
The foundation of any healthy relationship is trust. When effective communication breaks down, it may create trust issues in your marriage because you start to feel like your husband is hiding something from you or not being completely honest.
Trust issues can cause all sorts of problems in a relationship, and it’s something that needs to be addressed as soon as possible.