
27 characteristics of a Libra man in love

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Libras are the social butterflies of the zodiac, and they love to be around other people. They have a gift for making others feel comfortable, and they’re always up for a good time. They also love to work as part of a team and have a keen sense of justice and fairness.

So how does a Libra man act when he’s in love? In this article, I’ll share 25 characteristics of a Libra man in love so you’ll know exactly what to expect. Libra men certainly aren’t perfect, but they have a lot of beautiful qualities that make them great romantic partners.

But before we get started, let’s briefly review the Libra zodiac sign.

The Libra zodiac

  • Libra is ruled over by the planet Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony. Libras are romantic and charming, and they’re natural diplomats who hate conflict and always try to see both sides of every issue.
  • The Libra symbol is the scales, which represent balance. This is fitting because Libra men are all about fairness and justice. They’re always looking for ways to create harmony, and they hate anything that disrupts the peace.
  • Libra is an air sign, which makes Libran men quick-thinking and intellectual. They’re witty, great at communicating their ideas and always looking for new ways to connect with others.
  • As a cardinal sign, Libra men like to explore new ideas and start new projects. However, their indecisive nature means they’re far more likely to start something than actually finish it.

Okay, now that you understand where Libra is coming from, let’s look at how a Libra man acts when he’s in love.

1. He’ll always see the best in you

A Libra man is very optimistic and idealistic, and he’ll always see the best in you, even when nobody else does. And if he loves you, he’ll forgive your mistakes and be willing to overlook your flaws. He knows that nobody is perfect, and he’s okay with that. However, there are limits to what he’ll tolerate, so if you’re constantly making the same mistakes or refusing to change, he’ll eventually give up on you.

2. He’ll be charming and romantic

Librans are the masters of charm and romance. If a Libra man is in love with you, he’ll go out of his way to make you feel special. He’ll shower you with compliments, buy you gifts, and do all those little things that make you feel loved. He knows how to make you feel like the only woman in the world, and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep the spark alive in your relationship.

3. You’ll have to share him with his friends

Librans are social creatures who love to be around other people. If you’re in a relationship with a Libra man, you’ll have to share him with his friends and family. He’s very close to the people in his life, and he’ll want to spend time with them, even if it means sacrificing time with you. It doesn’t mean he loves you any less; he just has a lot of people in his life who are important to him.

4. He will want to spend a lot of time with you

But don’t worry, even though Libra needs to spend time with his wide social circle, he’ll still want to spend a lot of time with you. He’s very affectionate and loving, and he’ll want to be around you as much as possible. Whenever he has plans with his friends, he’ll always give you the option to come along and join the fun.

5. He’ll try to really understand you

You’ll feel like you can really open up to a Libra man because he’ll try to understand you on a deep level. He’s interested in your thoughts and feelings, and he wants to know what makes you tick. He’s not the type of person who will brush off your concerns or dismiss your opinions. He knows that everyone has their own unique perspective, and he’s always open to hearing what you have to say.

6. He’ll be a great listener

Not only is he interested in hearing what you have to say, but he’s also a great listener. He’s patient, and he won’t interrupt you when you’re talking. He wants to hear everything you have to say, even if you’re not the best at expressing yourself. He knows that it’s not always easy to put your thoughts into words, and he’ll go out of his way to make sure you feel heard.

7. He won’t confront relationship issues head-on

Librans are notoriously bad at conflict, and they’ll do anything to avoid it. If there are problems in your relationship, he won’t confront them head-on and will try to sweep them under the rug and pretend like everything is fine.

It’s not that he doesn’t care about the issues; he just doesn’t know how to deal with them. If he loves you, he’ll eventually come around and be willing to talk about the things that are bothering him.

8. He’ll wear his heart on his sleeve

A Libra man is very open with his emotions, and he’ll wear his heart on his sleeve. He’s not the type of person who’s good at hiding how he feels, and he’s not afraid to show his vulnerability. He’s very sensitive, and he’ll feel things deeply. If he’s in love with you, he’ll be incredibly affectionate and loving and won’t be able to help showing how much he cares.

9. He won’t deal with disagreements well

He also tends to wallow in self-pity when things don’t go his way. If you argue with him, he won’t deal with it well and will sulk for days afterward. It’s important to understand that this is just his way of dealing with conflict, and you shouldn’t take it personally. Just give him some time to cool off, and he’ll eventually come around. Librans also forgive quickly and don’t hold a grudge, so you don’t have to worry about him holding onto any resentment.

10. He’ll fall in love quickly

A Libra man is a hopeless romantic who loves being in love. He’s the type of person who believes in true love and soulmates. He’s always looking for the perfect partner, and he’ll be head over heels in love as soon as he finds them. Once he falls in love, he’ll be completely devoted to his partner and will do anything to make them happy. He’ll also put you on a pedestal and will always see the best in you, even when you can’t see it yourself.

The secret ingredient to make a Libra man fall in love with you

All men have a biological urge to feel useful and needed in their relationships. They crave the chance to step up and test their strengths and abilities.

This urge comes from a time when men had to compete to survive and protect their families from wild animals and rival tribes. Even though life was hard, they were constantly challenged and lived lives of purpose and meaning.

Relationship psychologist James Bauer calls it the “hero instinct,” and it explains why so many women struggle to attract guys and keep them committed.

The stakes are much lower today, but the need to feel useful remains deeply rooted in male biology. If a man doesn’t feel useful and needed in his relationship, he constantly feels like something is missing. These lingering doubts prevent him from fully committing and eventually cause him to go cold, emotionally pull away, or even be unfaithful. 

The amazing thing is that you can learn how to trigger the hero instinct in any man. And when you do, you’ll give him exactly what he’s missing and make him feel deeply satisfied and content in your relationship. You’ll become his biggest priority and destroy any fear of commitment lingering in the back of his mind.

When you trigger a man’s hero instinct, he becomes comfortable fully investing in your relationship because he knows he’ll never need anyone else. In a matter of days, you’ll notice him become more protective, committed, and attracted to you than you ever dreamed was possible.

Never again will you have to deal with his hot and cold behavior, distance, or silence. He’ll think you’re reading his mind, and he’ll thank you for it every day.

So how do you trigger the hero instinct in a man?

This free video presentation from James Bauer will show you exactly what to say, what texts to send, and what to ask your man to trigger his hero instinct and make him want to work for your love and admiration.

It sounds almost too good to be true, but James’ techniques use proven psychology to tap into the deepest desires that all men feel.

If you’re struggling because your man seems distant or you can’t get him to commit, this will be the most eye-opening presentation you have ever seen.

Here’s the link to the free video again.

11. He’ll learn about what’s important to you

Being an Air sign means that a Libra man is very intelligent and loves to learn. He’s always curious about the world, always keen to try new things. If he’s in love with you, he’ll want to learn about everything important to you. He’ll be interested in your hobbies, work, and friends. He knows that the more he knows about you, the better he’ll be able to understand you.

12. He’s an affectionate lover

A Libra man is a very loving and affectionate partner. He loves to show his loved ones how much he cares about them, and he’ll do anything to make them feel loved and appreciated. He’s always keen for a cuddle, and he loves giving and receiving physical affection. He’s also a very sensual lover, and he enjoys exploring his partner’s body. He knows that sex is an integral part of a relationship and he’ll make sure you’re always satisfied.

13. He’ll try hard to impress you with his personal style

Style and beauty are very important to Libras, and they can even border on being superficial at times. If he’s in love with you, he’ll go out of his way to try and impress you with his style. He’ll make sure he always looks good for you and might even start dressing differently to suit your taste.

14. He’ll take on aspects of your style or personality that he likes

Libras tend to emulate the people they’re around. If he’s in love with you, he’ll start to take on aspects of your style or personality that he likes. He might begin to talk like you, or even act like you. It’s not that he’s trying to copy you; he wants to be closer to you, and he feels like this is the best way to do it.

15. He’ll stop flirting with other girls (maybe)

Libra men love the attention of the opposite sex, and they’ll often flirt with other girls, even when they’re in a relationship. If he’s in love with you, though, he’ll try to stop flirting with other girls. He’ll want to be faithful to you, and he’ll only have eyes for you.

He’s not interested in cheating; he just enjoys the attention and the ego boost that flirting gives him. If you’re dating a Libra man, make sure you’re secure enough in your relationship to handle his flirting.

16. He’ll ask for your advice and opinion

Teamwork and cooperation are essential to Libra men, and they hate making decisions on their own. He’ll always consult you before making any big decisions, value your advice, and want to know your opinion on everything.

The downside is that Libras are often very indecisive and can take a long time to make up their minds. If you’re dating a Libra man, be prepared to be patient while he makes up his mind about things.

17. He’ll be active on your social media

Considering what social animals Libras are, it’s no surprise that they’re very active on social media. He’ll be sure to like and comment on all of your posts, and he’ll post lots of photos of the two of you together. He wants the world to know that he’s in love with you, and he wants to show you off to his friends.

18. He will go out of his way to help you

A Libra man is always willing to help out his loved ones, and he’ll go out of his way to do things for you. He’ll take on your chores, run errands for you, and do anything to make your life easier. He’s a very generous person, and he wants to make sure you have everything you need.

19. He might struggle with commitment

The indecisive native of Libra means that Libran men sometimes have a hard time committing to one person. They want to keep their options open in case someone better comes along. If you’re dating a Libra man, you might have to give him a little nudge in the right direction when it comes to commitment.

Luckily, once a Libra man does commit to someone, he’s in it for the long haul. He’s a loyal and faithful partner who will never cheat on you.

20. He’ll buy you expensive or beautiful things

Libras love material possessions and beautiful things, and they are often described as being vain. Your Libra man will like buying himself expensive items, and he’ll also like buying stuff for you. He’ll want to pamper you and make sure you have the best of everything. Sometimes, he might even go a little overboard, but that’s just his way of showing how much he cares about you.

21. He will focus a lot on the way you look

The vanity of Libra means they can be a little bit too focused on the way their partner looks. If you dress well and take care of your appearance, your Libra man will love it. He’ll appreciate your efforts and love showing you off even more.

Although he’s interested in your looks, it’s important to remember that a Libra man is also interested in your personality and intellect. He wants to be with someone he can have deep conversations with, and he wants to be with someone interesting and fun.

22. He’ll show you off every chance he gets

A Libra man in love will also take every opportunity to show you off to his friends and family. He’ll brag about you, tell everyone how lucky he is to be with you and talk about your looks and achievements.

He’ll love having you on his arm whenever you walk into a social situation and enjoy having everyone look at you both. Some women might find this too much, but most women love the attention. If you’re dating a Libra man and you’re not used to this kind of attention, it might take some getting used to.

23. He’ll show his love in random and unexpected ways

A Libra man will also show his love in random and unexpected ways. He’s the type of guy who will buy you flowers for no reason, leave little love notes around the house, and do things to make you smile.

24. He will always treat you right

You never have to worry about a Libra man mistreating you, cheating on you, or taking you for granted. His strong sense of justice means he believes in treating people fairly, and he will always treat you with respect.

He’ll also always give you the benefit of the doubt and be quick to forgive if you make a mistake.

25. He will make you laugh a lot

Libras are often brilliant, and they have a quick wit. A Libra man in love will go out of his way to make you laugh, and he’ll take any opportunity to show off his sense of humor. You’ll be amazed at how well he can read people and always knows just the right thing to say.

26. His friends and family will know all about you

When you meet a Libra man’s loved ones for the first time, don’t be surprised if they all say, “We’ve heard so much about you!” As soon as he decided he was interested in you, he started to tell his friends and family all about you. And now that he’s fallen in love with you, they can barely get him to shut up about you. They know your likes and dislikes, hobbies, and probably even how you like your coffee.

27. You’ll get lots of compliments from him

You’ll get compliments from a Libra man on everything from your looks to your intelligence to your sense of humor. He loves finding things to compliment you on, and he’ll genuinely seem sincere when he does it.


What are the best matches for a Libra man?

Leo, Aquarius, and Gemini are the best zodiac matches for a Libra man. These signs are very social and enjoy being around people as much as a Libra man does. Like Libra, they are also fun-loving and have a great sense of humor.

Aquarius and Gemini air signs, which means they share the Libra man’s intellectual and cerebral nature. Leo is a fire sign, and they are passionate and full of energy, which a Libra man will love.

How do you know if a Libra man is playing you?

Libras have a reputation for being unreliable, which comes from their indecisive nature and inability to commit to anything. So, if a Libra man is playing you, he may make excuses for why he can’t see you or why he’s been MIA. He may also send mixed signals, which can be confusing and frustrating.

Libra men can also be obsessed with looks, so make sure you’re not just a pretty face to him. Libras are also very flirtatious, so if he’s flirting with other women, he may not be as serious about you as you think. The flirting of Libras is often harmless, but it’s something to be aware of.

How can you make a Libra man fall in love with you?

The best way to make a Libra man fall in love with you is to outgoing, social, and fun. A Libra man loves being around people, so the more you can include him in your social activities, the better. You should also try to be as upbeat as possible because Libras are attracted to happy, positive people. Libras are also very intelligent and compassionate and will be drawn to you if they can see that you’re a deep, complex person.

What is the weakness of a Libra man? 

The most significant weaknesses of Libra men are their indecisiveness, need for approval, and vanity. Their indecisive nature can make it hard for them to commit to anything, including romantic relationships. They also love attention and approval, which can sometimes seem needy. Libras love to look good, and they take pride in their appearance, which can turn some people off because it seems shallow.

How does a Libra man test you?

Libras are known for being flirtatious, so a Libra man may test you by flirting with other women in front of you. He wants to see how you will react and if you will get jealous. Libras are also a little unreliable, so he’ll be watching to see how you react when he turns up late or cancels plans at the last minute. He wants to know if you’re the type of person who gets angry and upset easily or if you’re more laid back and understanding.

Finally, Libras love attention and approval, so they may test you by fishing for compliments. He wants to see if you’re the type of person who will build him up and make him feel good about himself. If you can pass these tests, you’re definitely someone a Libra man could fall in love with.

Final thoughts

A Libra man in love is a fun, loving, and social person. He loves being around people, and he’s always looking for ways to make his partner happy. If you’re interested in a Libra man, make sure you’re outgoing, social, and positive, and don’t be afraid to open up to him and show your intellectual side.

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