
The 12 word text that can save your relationship

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Have you heard about the famous 12-word text that you can send to your man to trigger his hero instinct? 

This ‘secret signal’ has supposedly helped thousands of women save their relationships. With one text, they unlocked a level of devotion and commitment from their men they never dreamed possible. 

So what is the 12-word text, and does it actually work?

In this article, I’m going to answer these questions and show you why triggering the hero instinct in your man could be a game-changer for your relationship. 

Let’s get started. 

Where does the 12-word text come from?

Psychologist James Bauer developed the 12-word text. James has worked as a successful relationship coach for more than a decade. He has helped thousands of women find love and enhance their relationships. 

He’s most famous for his best-selling book called His Secret Obsession

Check out our full review of His Secret Obsession if you’d like to learn more. Mitchell went through the entire book cover to cover and looked at all the pros and cons. 

James originally wrote His Secret Obsession in response to helping one of his clients, Rachel. You meet her in the book.

Rachel was in a happy and successful relationship with her boyfriend, Mike. She was completely in love and thought she’d found the guy she was going to spend her life with. Until it all started to go wrong. 

Around three months into the relationship, Mike started to pull away from Rachel. He became cold and distant and wouldn’t even answer her calls. Rachel had no idea what she’d done wrong and assumed that her magical relationship was over. 

As a final hail Mary, James gave Rachel a message that he asked her to text to Mike. This is the famous 12-word text you’ve heard so much about. 

As soon as Rachel sent this 12-word text, Mike texted her straight back, and they started talking again. Before long, they were back together, and Mike was utterly devoted to her. 

The 12-word text was so successful that James expanded on his success and wrote His Secret Obsession to try and help other women in the same situation.

So what happened? How could a single 12-word text completely change Mike’s attitude towards Rachel? Well, the 12-word text was the first step Rachel took to triggering Mike’s hero instinct. 

I’ll explain exactly what the hero instinct is a little bit, but first, I’m guessing you want to know what the 12-word text actually is…

What is the 12-word text?

Watch this free video where James Bauer will reveal the 12 world text.

What is the hero instinct?

The 12-word text is just one of many techniques James will show you in His Secret Obsession designed to trigger the hero instinct in your man. 

But what is the hero instinct, and what does triggering it do to your man?

The hero instinct is a relatively new concept in relationship psychology that’s been getting a lot of attention. It says that men are driven by a primal, biological instinct to protect women

This protective instinct also makes them want to feel needed and essential in their relationships. They crave the opportunity to step up and be a hero to the women they love.

This hero instinct has been coded into the male DNA over thousands of years. It originated in dangerous times when protecting their women was the best shot men had to produce strong, healthy children. 

Obviously, women no longer want or need men to protect them. It sounds a little stupid even suggesting it. But that doesn’t stop men from having a natural urge to protect women and feel needed by them. 

Here’s where things get interesting. James Bauer figured out that you can learn how to trigger the hero instinct in your man. 

And when you do, you’re giving him a sense of purpose in your relationship that fulfills his biological urge to feel needed and essential. 

Triggering his hero instinct makes him feel deeply satisfied with your relationship. It makes him want to keep pleasing you and making you happy, so you’ll give him more opportunities to step up and be your knight in shining armor. 

Feeling useful increases his confidence and boosts his ego, which makes him even more devoted to you. It increases his sense of self-worth and passion, which translates into a passionate and committed relationship. 

If you feel like your relationship suffers from one or more of the following issues, learning to trigger the hero instinct in your man could be a game-changer for you. 

  • Men lose interest in you after the initial ‘honeymoon phase has worn off. This is exactly what happened to James’ client Rachel in her relationship with Mike.
  • Even though your relationships seem happy and successful, men won’t commit to you for the long term.
  • You have trouble getting through to men, and they start to drift away after a while. 

How do you trigger the hero instinct in your man?

James will show you the many phrases to use, requests to make, and texts you can send your man that will trigger his hero instinct and make him obsessed with you again. The 12-word text is just one of them. 

The different ways you can trigger the hero instinct in your man are divided into five main areas. Keep in mind that part of triggering the hero instinct is learning exactly what to say to your man when you ask him for help or appreciate his efforts. This is where the power of James Bauer’s proven psychological techniques come into their own. 

1. Ask for his help

Asking your man to help you out around the house is a key part of triggering his hero instinct.

The more manly the jobs you can find, the better. But even something as simple as changing a lightbulb will trigger his hero instinct and make him feel essential. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re perfectly capable of doing the job yourself. Asking him to help you with it is part of giving him a purpose in your relationship and making him feel like he’s adding value. 

2. Appreciate his efforts

If your man gives you good advice or fixes something around the house, thank him for helping you out. You don’t have to make a big deal of it, but even this small gesture will make him feel like a hero. 

3. Boost his confidence & stroke his ego

Men like to be respected and admired by their friends and colleagues. Thanking him for a job well done in front of them will fuel his ego and make him feel amazing. It will also give his confidence a boost and encourage him to try even harder to please you.

4. Show him how happy he makes you

The desire to make you happy is at the core of the hero instinct. It’s why he wants you to need him and value his contribution to your relationship.

So take the time to tell your man how happy he makes you. Even better, show him by taking him out to dinner, going on a romantic vacation, or having spontaneous, passionate sex that he wasn’t expecting. 

Knowing that he makes you happy will fill him with pride and purpose, and he’ll become more devoted and committed to you every day. 

5. Encourage and support his goals & hobbies

It’s also essential to make sure your man has time to do what he loves outside of work and family life. Perhaps he has a hobby that he enjoys, or he misses spending time with his buddies. 

When you go out of your way to encourage him to pursue his interests, you recognize that he’s an independent man who needs to do ‘manly’ things. This will trigger his hero instinct and make him want to make you happy even more.

Who will get the most value from the hero instinct?

I think any woman interested in having a relationship with a man can benefit from learning how to trigger the hero instinct. 

You can easily apply many of the techniques at the dating stage and make your potential partner more devoted and committed to you even sooner. 

But if you’re in a longer-term relationship that has any of the following issues, I think you’ll get real value from what James can teach you. 

  • Your relationships never last for the long term, and you can’t figure out why.
  • Men lose interest in you over time and slowly drift away.
  • You never seem to develop a powerful connection with your man, and the passion and excitement seem to fade. 

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